Feet First is a very simple program - we provide children in rural, indigenous areas with
shoes and socks.
All we want to do is give these kids something that they need - a something that makes everday life
just a bit easier.
To date 150 children in the villages of Altos del Valle and El Valle Abajo in Panama have received
boots and socks, thanks to the support of our donors. Please read on to find out more about the children who have benefited
from this generosity, and to learn more about those who still need our help.

A pair of rubber boots seems like a very simple thing, and it
is exactly that: a very essential and a very basic thing. The children in Los Valles, as well as thousands of other
children in Panama, and elsewhere, go through each day without having the simplest and most basic of their needs met.
Walking barefoot through the mud, the gravel, and even on the hot asphalt doesn't feel good and it isn't sage. Not only
are these children are at risk for running into scorpions and snakes, as well as other enviornmental hazards, but of greatest
concern for the children are the parasitic infections that enter their bodies through their exposed feet.
What we can do for these children is supply them with a pair of rubber boots - the most practical
footwear for them considering the heavy rains and subsequent mud they contend with on a daily basis.
You can pick up a pair of our rubber boots and they can seem like nothing more than two pieces
of rubber, but for these childern those two brightly colored pieces of rubber make an enormous difference in the
quality of their young lives.